Your Halloween Horoscope Is Here

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
Halloween is Scorpio’s high holy day, the time when secrets, dead presidents, and underworld denizens come out to play — and literally anything can be sexy (sexy goldfish, anyone?).
Over-the-top Jupiter began an 11-month journey through Scorpio on October 10. While the planet of confidence does the monster mash with the intense Scorpio sun, expect drunk-off-your-ass come-ons from the least appropriate crush material. Your assertiveness might be misfiring — remember, you don’t need a reason to turn someone down.
Given the state of the world, you’d be forgiven for thinking Scorpio — the sign of death and unsettling change — has been running the show for months. “Pain” is 2017’s watchword, thanks to a collision between Chiron and Saturn that began last December. The political has gotten in-your-face personal, and many of us have struggled with where to put faith. This wrestling match culminates on the Day of the Dead, so expect sensitive feelings all around. Depending on your outlook, that could be the perfect (or worst possible) energy for Halloween.
Ask yourself what masks you’re wearing to get through the day. Scorpio can be your guide through the inner underworld; dress up as the monster of your real feelings and insight will flow.

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