The December Full Moon Reminds Us To Prep For Long Nights Ahead

Photographed by Ashley Armitage.
Under the light of this weekend's full moon (which just so happens to be a supermoon this year), prepare to feel the urge to hibernate. Set to reach complete fullness at 10:47 a.m. EST this Sunday, December 3, this month's full moon is known as both the Cold Moon and the Long Nights Moon. And both of these names touch upon the same theme, which will follow us for the rest of the month: taking stock and taking care.
Winter hasn't quite arrived yet (the seasons officially change on December 21), but the temps are falling and the sun's going down long before we leave the office. If you're already sinking into a slump that only your duvet comforter and Netflix subscription can cure, you're in for a treat this weekend — the Long Nights Moon actually encourages us to hunker down.
Fix your sleep schedule, tackle those holiday shopping lists you've carefully crafted (or, alternately, start crafting said lists), and call that relative you love but didn't get to see at Thanksgiving. This full moon period is a perfect time to address those minor tasks that, no matter how small they are, have a huge impact on your sense of comfort.
That said, between power naps, be sure to take a moment for some big-picture reflecting, too. Last month, the moon's energy grounded us in a somber — yet spiritually fulfilling — mindset. We pinpointed losses endured in the past year, mourned them, then let them go. Now, under this month's full moon, set your sights on goals for new gains.
But, if such low-key activities aren't quite your style, don't fret. Imbued with some of the same energy as the winter solstice, this lunar phase is also great for stoking the holiday spirit. Host a candlelit cocktail party or have a couple friends over for an intimate potluck.
Anything that welcomes warmth and good company into your home will serve you this time of year — and remind you that, even when the outside work is at its darkest and coldest, there are ways we can create our own light.
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