Fred Savage Responds To Harassment & Assault Allegations

Photo: Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic.
Following a lawsuit filed by former The Grinder costumer Youngjoo Hwang on Wednesday, actor Fred Savage has denied her claims of harassment and assault. Hwang alleges that Savage had a reputation for treating female staffers poorly on set, yelling profanities at them, and at one point struck her arm three times when she was brushing dandruff off his shoulder. 20th Century Fox Television investigated the incident and found no evidence of harassment, according to The Hollywood Reporter, a fact repeated by Savage in a statement posted by the outlet.
"I was made aware that a woman working in the costume department of a show I was on almost three years ago has claimed that I treated her harshly on set simply because she was a woman. These accusations are completely without merit and absolutely untrue," it reads. "Fox conducted an extensive internal investigation into her claims, a process in which I fully participated. After concluding a thorough investigation, Fox determined that there was absolutely no evidence to support these accusations. None of her claims could be substantiated because they did not happen."
Despite his denial, the actor emphasized his support for the #MeToo movement, and the women who have come forward about abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault following the initial accusations against producer Harvey Weinstein in October.
"I have witnessed tremendous courage over these past few months, watching brave women who have come forward publicly fighting through the shame and stigma of harassment," he wrote, later adding, "While none of the accusations being leveled at me are true, I wholeheartedly support all people who feel they are being mistreated come forward and speak to human resources and those in charge. We have witnessed so much bravery from those speaking out recently, but I will just as boldly protect myself and my family from those seeking to tarnish my good name."
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