Ivanka Trump Is The White House's Best Distraction Strategy

Photo: MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images.
Wearing a cream suit and her ever-present stilettos, blonde hair perfectly coiffed, and sporting a TV-presenter smile, Ivanka Trump unveiled the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem earlier this month — a controversial move that breaks with decades of U.S. policy.
While Ivanka & Co. were posing for photos, just 60 miles away Israeli soldiers shot and killed at least 52 Palestinian protestors and wounded over 2,400 at the border fence with Gaza, according to Palestinian officials. People ran for cover from tear gas and children and the elderly suffered serious injuries.
Ivanka Trump's doublespeak is glaringly on display here, as it has been throughout her work with her father's administration. Over and over again, she demonstrates impeccable timing by posting pretty photos while the White House fields PR nightmares, national scandals, and humanitarian crises.
Case in point: In January 2017, she posted a pic of herself with husband Jared Kushner, both dressed to the nines, while thousands protested the president’s executive order banning immigration from seven majority-Muslim countries.
One can't help but wonder if the White House is deploying her Instagrams strategically. Ahead, a visual history of Ivanka acting fancy while people are suffering.

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