Stoneman Douglas Activist David Hogg's Family Was "Swatted"

Photo: Paul Morigi/WireImage.
Somebody "swatted" the family of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student activist David Hogg in Coral Springs, FL, on Tuesday morning, according to Local 10. ("Swatting" is a dangerous practice in which someone fakes an emergency situation to call law enforcement.)
A caller to the Broward County Sheriff's Office claimed there was a hostage situation. Multiple crews and a police helicopter arrived.
Hogg was reportedly not home at the time. He and his mother were in Washington, D.C., where he was accepting the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award along with other young activists, among them those fighting for immigrant youth and racial justice. The keynote speaker at the event was Congressman John Lewis.
Along with other MSD students, Hogg was motivated to advocate for common-sense gun reform by the February 14 shooting at his high school. On Sunday, he graduated, and now he plans to delay college for a year to lobby for gun regulations and youth voter turnout.
"I'm gonna be taking a gap year and not going to college for a year so that I can continue to work on these issues and promote sensible legislation, for example — not just around gun control, but around youth voter turnout," Hogg said in an interview with ABC News' Nightline. "I think the fact that I was — that I got my draft card on my 18th birthday here — but the federal government can't register me to vote is ridiculous."
The Parkland activists have been subject to vicious, irrational attacks from right-wingers ever since the movement's inception. But that's not stopping them from making progress. After Hogg and other students staged a "die-in" at Publix over the grocery-store chain's contributions to an NRA-supporting gubernatorial candidate, the company suspended all political donations.
This summer, the students are launching a 75-stop nationwide summer tour that kicks off in Chicago on June 15, focused on registering as many young people to vote as possible and challenging the NRA's power.
On Tuesday morning, instead of responding to the "swatting" incident, Hogg tweeted an urgent message encouraging others to vote in the day's eight state primaries, which include Alabama, California, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Dakota.

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