10 Things Every 20-Something Should Do To Be A Grown-Up

Before we dive into how to become a grown-up, let’s be clear that most people never really feel like adults. Who's to say what exactly constitutes full-blown adulthood? No longer living with your parents, supporting yourself with a job, having a living room not exclusively outfitted with Ikea chairs and family cast-offs, getting married, having kids — retiring?! Everyone has a different idea of what being a grown-up means; some people can't wait to embrace the feeling while others would do anything to avoid it.
All of which is to say, either way: Don't sweat it. Regardless of your definition, there are some things you can do that will simply make your life better: things so-called grown-ups do. For the most part, they are small projects you can tackle on a weekend afternoon, (like finding the right credit card). Others are more long-term projects (like learning to cook!), and still others require constant tweaking and maintenance (like calling your parents or maintaining a budget).
At the end of the day, you have to figure out your own way to navigate the big, crazy world of adulthood. Just remember — whether you’re a fresh grad of 22 or fast approaching a milestone birthday — no one really knows how to be an adult. We're all just faking it until we finally feel like we've made it. Any day now.

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