We have a serious style crush on blogger Katherine of La Petite Marmoset, and these tribal-print pants just made our affection a little stronger. (La Petite Marmoset)
Come mid-November, a gourmet burger truck will join the legions of food trucks cruising D.C.'s streets. Not gonna lie — we're pretty psyched. (EaterDC)
Readers of style blog Fashion is Spinach share their online shopping horror stories. Take mental notes; some of them are pretty cringe-worthy. (Fashion is Spinach)
14th Street boutique Redeem debuted new fall wares from Colombian brand New Cross recently, and The President Wears Prada just shared a rad video showcasing the line. (The President Wears Prada)
Hometown rapper Wale waxes poetic about why it's tough to be a Wizards fan. (The Washington Post)