The All-Natural Way To Get Rid Of Acne Scars & Age Spots

Illustrated by Jasmin Valcourt.
Acne scars and age spots are some of the biggest skin-care concerns people have. Although many of us have taken to finding the perfect concealer, there are actually a few natural remedies readily available. There are four main ingredients that will lighten these issues — so that you can be a little less reliant on that color-correcting tube, and focus on solving these problems long-term.

is a lipid found naturally in skin as part of our sebum (which is responsible
for keeping our skin and hair healthy). At birth, 12% of our skin’s sebum is made up of squalene. By the time we’re in our mid-to-late
20s, the body’s squalene factory slows down. Fortunately, its
botanical version — squalane — which can be derived from olives, can be
applied topically to feed important processes in the skin, like helping cell
turnover continue at a healthy rate, diminishing age spots and hyperpigmentation, guarding skin from premature aging, and stimulating
blood flow for a rejuvenated and balanced complexion.

Squalane also has amazing moisturizing properties and can be
applied on its own or in a moisturizer containing the effective ingredient. I strongly
recommend you know where the squalane you’re using is sourced from, since it can
be derived from plants (as my 100% olive-derived Squalane Facial oil is) or
animals — such as shark liver. It's just as easy to get radiant skin with high-quality, plant-based products as it is with those that are tested on animals.

Apple-Cider Vinegar

Right now, apple-cider vinegar is like the newest celebrity of the skin-care
community. It’s a star with major staying power. I’ve been committed to incorporating it into my skin-care regimen for several reasons: It’s an amazing natural
ingredient made by fermenting pressed apple juice, it contains alpha-hydroxy
acids to remove dead skin cells and reveal a more even skin tone, and you can
buy it at the grocery store for less than $10.

I recommend using organic
ACV with the “mother” in it (that’s the murky sediment at the
bottom of the bottle where the good nutrients come from). To create a wonderful
natural toner, simply mix one part ACV with two parts distilled
water, shake before using, and apply with a cotton pad. It balances the acid
mantle, removes dead skin cells, helps fade brown spots, and smoothes skin. I
use it once a day, in the morning. It is a bit smelly, but the
benefits far outweigh its scent!

Illustrated by Jasmin Valcourt.

Rosehip-Seed Oil
wonder oil has both astringent properties and a high vitamin A (retinol)
concentration. It is great at treating and healing acne, assisting in
all-over skin-spot fading, and reducing the appearance of acne scars due to its
high level of linoleic acid. Use it generously to combat stretch marks and burns on your hands and forearms, as well as scars from cuts and bug bites. It can even help heal brittle nails and ragged cuticles.

Found in many natural cleansers,
moisturizers, body washes, and body oils, rosehip oil may be listed on labels as rosa rubiginosa seed oil. Don’t get it confused with rose-flower oil, which has
different benefits and may cause allergic reactions. And, if you need another reason to try it, it’s
also a fan favorite of many supermodels

Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is packed full of vitamin C and citric acid, the ultimate duo when
it comes to lightening and brightening. Squeeze a few drops of it
directly onto dark marks as a daily spot treatment. If you want to lighten your
elbows, cut a lemon in half and use your elbow as a juicer! Spray tan gone bad? Slice a few lemons and add them to your bath to help get rid of
that orangey glow.

So, what do you think? If you decide to give one of these a
try, tell me about it in the comments!

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