Cheap Thrill! Transform Any Shoe You Own Into Alex Wang’s Bootie of the Season With $38 Fringe Spats

We know you still want them. So we say this in the nicest way possible: Alexander Wang's fringed booties of the season probably aren't going on sale. Ever. But before you officially sign away your first born, check out these awesome fringed spats. Designed by Khoi Le, they're almost as Wang-tastic as the originals and cost a mere $38! That's less than you'd pay to fill up your gas tank! Not to mention these bargain beauties are a whole heck of a lot better looking than those pleather-happy Forever 21 knock offs. Snap them on to your any pair of leather booties you own, and put an extra swing in your step.
Above: The Alexander Wang fringe booties from spring '09 runway (via; $38 fringe spats spice up a regular pair of black booties (photo by Jarrod Turner).