Why This Season Was So Rough For The Good Wife‘s Alicia Florrick (Spoilers)

Photo: Courtesy of CBS.
Warning: This article contains spoilers from the series finale of The Good Wife. Read at your own risk.
Alicia Florrick has never really had it easy. She was married to a power-hungry philanderer, in love with a coworker who could never be hers, befriended by a woman who would later be revealed to have slept with her husband, and constantly faced with challenges to prove herself while being burdened by her husband Peter's reputation.
Would a series finale happy ending right all those wrongs? Eh, not really.
Season 7 proved to be a rocky one for Julianna Margulies' character, from start to finish. Sure, she made a new drinking buddy, got laid (lots and lots), and proved she could still kick ass in the courtroom. But she also lost friendships, suffered personal and professional setbacks, and (egads!) welcomed Howard Lyman into her family. Her ending seemed uncertain, and after all of this drama, fans can only hope and pray she's downing margaritas with Lucca at some tropical resort. If anyone needs a vacation, it's (Not-So) Saint Alicia — and no, a Canadian airport doesn't count.
Read on to see just how bad Alicia had it.

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