This Little Girl Is Taylor Swift’s Mini-Me & It’s Everything

Courtesy of Your Face Sounds Familiar Kids
Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t the only one with her very own mini-me. Taylor Swift, apparently has one, too. According to The Huffington Post, Xia Vigor, a 7-year-old actress, impersonated Swift over the weekend on the Philippine television show, Your Face Sounds Familiar Kids. The show is a singing competition series in which kids emulate their idols. (Kind of like American Idol meets an elementary school talent show.) Vigor, who is British and Filipina, performed a Swift fave, “You Belong With Me,” and it was super impressive. She wore Swift’s signature red lips, got her eye-roll to the side thing down, and she even kind of moved her hips in a Swift-like fashion. It was when Vigor removed her hat and flipped her hair in a way that was just so very Taylor that the crowd really lost it, though — or we should say started to lose it. Next came the costume change into a sparkle dress, and boy, if you told us at that point that this was actually Swift’s long-lost sister, we’d believe you. The resemblance to Swift was uncanny (but, you know, in a 7-year-old version way).
Her charismatic nature had the judges doubled over with joy for most of her performance. Even Perez Hilton tweeted about it, writing: “This little girl doing @TaylorSwift13 is everything I needed right now!! The ending, though!!” Vigor replied to the tweet writing, "Thank you so much!!" with two red hearts.
While 8-year-old Michele Threefoot, Bader Ginsburg’s impersonator, got a response from Bader Ginsburg herself — a handwritten note that said, “You look just like me! May you continue to thrive on reading and learning,” we haven’t heard any signs of Swift reaching out to Vigor yet. But there’s still time. Swift has been known to surprise fans before.

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