How Art World Insiders Started Their Must-See Collections

Sure, we've spent our days gushing over $400 couches at Ikea and rummaging through thrift stores for most of our bedroom furniture, but it's probably time to give up all that. The key to an adult apartment? Some good, quality art. And, no, we're not talking about framing the movie posters we taped on our dorm's cinderblock walls.
Ahead, we've caught up with some of the art world's most talked-about collectors to find out how the insiders amass their works. Click through for the goods!
ArtStar, a curated selection of quality artwork, is basically like art collecting 101 for grown-up apartments. Founded in 2011 by Chrissy Crawford, ArtStar aims to bring you a sophisticated selection of photographs, illustrations, & paintings for when you're finally ready to transition out of your movie poster phase.

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