26 Bad Workplace Habits To Kick In 2016

New year, new you, right? There's something so enticing about starting fresh on January 1, and resolutions don't have to be limited to exercise, relationships, or money. It can also apply to your work life. Why not use a new calendar year to reboot your career?
Sure, that can mean looking for a new job or getting new skills. But it can also involve considering how your boss and coworkers perceive you. Is your desk a mess? Are you constantly interrupting everyone with questions? One or two of these habits are NBD. The problem is, more than a few of them cut into your productivity, creativity, and promotability.
Ahead, we've put together the ultimate list of 26 habits that are undermining your work life. Ditch a few — or ditch them all. We promise even crossing one off the list will make your work life a million times better in 2016.

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