21 Beauty Moves You Need To Master

When it comes to her beauty routine, we believe it's every woman's right — nay, responsibility — to experiment. How else are you supposed to find what works best for you (and what really, really doesn't)? Curiosity about primping can lead to the discovery of wonderful things. Hey, if we hadn't picked up that cranberry lipstick in the drugstore aisle in junior high, we might never have known the joy that is red lips. And, that, dear reader, would have been a crime.
With this in mind, we've drawn up the ultimate beauty bucket list: twenty-one things every girl needs to try. Now, we're not saying everything on this list is going to work or be ideal for everyone. In fact, there are likely going to be a few things that are totally wrong for you. But, it's the experience of trying something new that we think is important — how it makes you feel and what you learn from it.
Keep reading for the trends, looks, products, and treatments you've got to try at least once in your life.

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