18 Amazing Movies We’ll Never Watch Again

The best movies make you feel things. As Susan Sarandon once said in the 1995 documentary Celluloid Closet: "You go into a little dark room and become incredibly vulnerable. On one hand, all your perspectives can be challenged — you could feel something you couldn't feel normally. It can encourage you to be the protagonist in your own life. On the other hand, it can completely misshape you."
But, sometimes those feelings are intense. Perhaps you bawled your way through the second half of Titanic. Or, maybe you challenged yourself to watch Enter The Void just to say you made it through. But, for whatever reason, a one-time viewing was enough — no matter how many critics praised the film or how many awards it garnered.
It's nothing to be ashamed about. We all have at least one movie we love but can't bring ourselves to watch again. To harp back to Sarandon, it misshaped us.
Ahead, 18 otherwise fantastic movies that we will never, ever watch again.

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