5 Easy Paleo Breakfasts You Will Love

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This article was originally published on July 8, 2014.
Good Morning Paleo opens with the line, “Morning is the best time of day.” If you don’t agree, you may change your mind when you try the gluten-free, grain-free, and impossibly delicious breakfast recipes in Jane Barthelemy’s sunny cookbook. Barthelemy’s a fan of the Paleo approach because it’s not about calorie-counting or portion control; rather, it's about which foods to eat (vegetables, eggs, fruit, meat, fish, poultry, seeds, nuts, healthy fats) and which to skip (processed foods, grains, dairy, beans, sugars).
It seems simple — but it can be hard to resist the allure of a quick a.m. sugar hit unless you know exactly what to reach for instead. That’s where Good Morning Paleo comes in: These divine dishes will make you forget all about that donut or processed bowl of cereal. They also happen to be gorgeous to look at. Click through for all of the grain-, sugar-, and dairy-free morning goodness you'll ever need. The only question left: Which recipe will be tomorrow’s breakfast?
Good Morning Paleo by Jane Barthelemy, $13.85, available on Amazon.

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