26 Trader Joe's Beauty Products That Are Actually Amazing

We don't know about you, but when we go to Trader Joe's, we tend to fill a cart (or two) to the brim with a whole lot more than frozen pizzas and cookie butter. In fact, there's a whole land of overlooked potential in the store's health and beauty section — it's just taken us a while to tap into it.
But, we're majorly glad we did. You may think that groceries and beauty don't mix, but Trader Joe's proves otherwise, lining its shelves with high-quality beauty and skin-care goodies. It's a very welcome discovery, too, because we'd rather grab our makeup remover and microwaveable samosas in the same trip instead of schlepping all over town with heavy bags.
If you cannot contain your excitement for the good ol' TJ, click through for products to add to your shopping list now.

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