The pill (and other hormonal methods) makes you gain weight.
This has been a tough rumor to shake, because it seems everyone (myself included) knows somebody who swears their birth control made them pack on the pounds. But, studies have concluded that most forms of hormonal birth control — such as the pill, patch, ring, implant, and hormonal IUD — do not cause weight gain. The only method that’s associated with weight gain is the Depo Provera birth control shot, but not everybody will experience this.

Birth control isn’t “real” healthcare.
I cannot stress this enough: Birth control ISN’T just about, well, birth control. People who aren’t sexually active use it. Lesbians use it. People who are treating a medical condition AND want to prevent pregnancy use it. In fact, up to 58 percent of people on the pill rely on it for reasons other than baby-free sex.