What You Can Learn From Your Boss’ Sign

Illustrated by Vero Romero.
Depending on your job, it can be difficult to get to know your boss beyond how they like their coffee and what they keep at their desk. But knowing what makes your manager tick can be extremely helpful in the long run, especially when the time comes to ask for a raise or discuss a title change. It might not be the most conventional way of getting to know them, but it can't hurt to learn more about your boss' astrological sign.
Let's be clear, though: Finding out that your boss is a Pisces or an Aries won't guarantee you a promotion in the next six months, but it can clue you into how they like to be approached.
You may find that you've been getting nowhere with your ideas because you keep bringing them up in group environments, and your Cancer boss would much prefer to get down to brass tacks in a one-on-one setting. Or, maybe your Scorpio boss has seemed nearly impossible to read for the last few months — that's just their Plutonian energy working, and there are ways to break through that steely facade.
Wherever your boss may fall in the Wheel of the Zodiac, there's something to be learned (and gained) from looking into it. Read on to see your boss through an astrological lens (but maybe wait until you're out of the office).

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