Here’s How To Do ’99 Style, The Britney Way

It's been about 15 years since Britney Spears unleashed "...Baby One More Time" on us and changed our teen years forever. Since that unforgettable day, we've watched our girl go through good times and bad. We've followed the move from Justin to K-Fed (#TeamCharlieEbersol), rooted for her through her (many) issues, and, most importantly, paid close attention to her ever-changing fashion choices.
So, in honor of her 33rd birthday, we've pulled together some of her most iconic looks ever (really, a gift for ourselves). What may have seemed borderline crazy at one time is now starting to seem, well, on-trend — including this editor's personal favorite, the all-denim outfit (matchy-matchy denim wins). Click through to see the modern versions of our favorite early-Brit looks. And, tell us your fave in the comments. Happy birthday, Brit.