Leaving a decade of experience in broadcast news to open a boutique might be a risky decision, but Candice Waldron doesn’t color inside the lines. Though retail was certainly a foreign landscape, Waldron’s journalistic personality served her well — she researched the move for years before launching Jumelle in 2006 — and in an economic climate that even the most celebrated designers struggle in, this Williamsburg gem continues to flourish.

“Trust your intuition and always show gratitude.”
“I like to keep it fairly simple: coffee, my BlackBerry, and NPR. Though not essential, I do like to end the day with a margarita or glass of wine.” (Wait… wine is not essential?)

“A pair of old Levi’s, a knit sweater or button-down shirt with some jewelry thrown in. Wearing a dress also makes getting out the door in the morning super-easy. I’m all about ease and comfort.”
“My mother. She raised twin daughters and put herself through medical school simultaneously. As a working mother of one, I have no idea how she did it.”
Photographed by Sunny Shokrae