How did we miss this when we did our Etsy roundup? In what can only be described as the Emperor's New Clothes of souvenirs, Czech photographer Kirill Rudenko is selling canned air from both Paris and NYC for $10 (a.ka. the price of a Venti Iced Mocha). And, even if this thing's not pure genius, it is 100% pure NYC. Rudenko explains that it's made from a unique hybrid of particles: 20% Empire State Building, 20% Statue Of Liberty and a few other beloved neighborhoods. But, if you fear the B+T, beware, as it "may contain traces of Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens or Staten Island." Wonder whose wind smells better...NYC's or Paris'? What do you think about this idea? We're calling it a lot of hot, well, air. (Rundown USA)
Photo: Courtesy of Rundown USA