Lights, camera, Coco! The original 1969 musical by André Previn and Alan Jay Lerner detailing the story of Coco Chanel’s life (her struggle in the face of war, personal love affairs, and aging in an industry notorious for favoring youth) is making a comeback at Sadler's Wells theater in London this month. While the infamous Chanel logo is steadily becoming as expected as the MAC logo (read: Every thirteen year old with a sharpie marker is sporting a Chanel T-shirt on Tumblr), we’re still huge fans of the strong-willed, road-paving passions of Coco Chanel herself. The gal went from failed cabaret singer to the richest woman on earth en route to her dreams, after all. The original production, starring Katherine Hepburn was Coco approved—she oversaw the whole production in person. But there's always that small chance that the newest installment of this fashion history lesson will require 3D glasses, mid-air acrobatics, and a talking animal sidekick. Juuust kidding. We’re just jealous that this remake isn’t state-side yet.
Coco, showing this May & June at Sadler's Wells Theatre & the Lilian Baylis Studio.