5 Updates From A Big-Deal Designer

As every savvy girl well knows, style has absolutely nothing to do with money. You don’t need a limitless budget to create swoon-worthy spaces, nor do you need to fly in some A-list decorator to add a unique charm to your home. Now, I may be putting myself out of a job here, but limited funds needn’t mean limited ideas — and my mission here is to prove that point. By customizing, reworking, and reinventing the pieces you already own, you can create the most fabulous pad without breaking the bank.
I like to think outside of the box when it comes to decorating — and while I’m not ditching the rule book entirely, I'm positive that you can't create an interesting space without a sense of humor. Adding a touch of unconventionality here and dash of eccentricity there is the magic that binds a space together — to startling effect. In fact, the more my budget gets diminished, the more creative I become (out of necessity, but still).
So, if I had to give one piece of advice, it would be to take more risks. Too often, we are put off from doing something out of fear of messing up, but really, what's the worst that can happen?

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