14 Wacky Hotels You Have To See To Believe

Holiday. Even the word makes us want to do a little in-seat dance. You book the time off work, you block it off in your diary, you book an ace hotel, and you go on to tell freaking everyone about it. Hotels, after all, have a way of making or breaking a holiday, and there’s nothing more disappointing than arriving at one, only to realize it’s a corporate snooze-fest of a tower block. Yawnnnn.
We’re not saying we need Olympic-size infinity pools and Laurent-Perrier-stocked mini-bars. We’re just saying we want, you know, vibes. Memorability. Originality. Panache. And, the 14 hotels we’re about to show you have all of that in bountiful supply. Yes, these bad boys are so creatively forward-thinking and unreal that we'd take them over a traditional resort any day of the week. 


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