Cucumber, The Ultimate Beauty Chill-Out

People, it's August. What the hell? I was just getting into my summer Friday groove, and now I have to start thinking about summer ending and crisp fall days. I'm not in an emotionally stable enough place to really cope with that. There's still so much rosé left to drink, dammit! So, I choose to ignore this looming seasonal shift and instead focus on the fact that it's about to get all kinds of hot up in here in the next 30 days.
As the humidity continues to rise and days just keep getting muggier, I find myself slowly moving toward beauty picks that feel fresh, cooling, and revitalizing. In other words: cucumber. Something about the smell and feel of cucumber-infused products gives me an instant refreshing boost and creates the psychosomatic effect of being cool — even when my sticky, sweaty skin says otherwise.
In addition to smelling heavenly (is there any better aroma than that of the light and watery cuke?), cucumbers also have some great benefits for your skin, from soothing and softening to de-puffing. Ahead, I've rounded up some of my all-time favorite product picks that feature this beautifying veggie. I find most of them are best enjoyed on a hot August day whilst sipping a chilled glass of rosé — but, then, isn't everything better that way?
Click through to see the best cooling cucumber potions.

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