Click For Cute: Fave Eligible Bloggers Dish D.C. Dating Tips

Who hasn't been on a disastrous date or two (or ten) in D.C.? It's a rite of passage in this town — the awkward blind date, the good-intentions/bad-idea friendly fix-up, the online fiasco — you know, the encounters you suffer through in the moment but relish in telling your friends about later. While we don't want to deny you the questionable glory that comes with claiming the title of "Worst Date Story Ever," we do want to make sure that you go on more good outings than bad ones. And so, we've handpicked some of our favorite (highly datable) bloggers and journos to dish about their favorite dates, how they navigate the singles' scene, and why they love Washington women.
CBRucker_fullslideWho he is: Chris Rucker, blogger at Dapper Demeanor and Guyism
Where he's from: South Bend, Indiana

Describe an ideal date in Washington.
"I'm a fan of day dates. Meet for brunch, check out a new exhibit at a gallery, peruse the vintage shops on U Street — I love a woman with a keen sense of style — and from there, see where the day leads you. If the chemistry isn't there, you both part ways around dinner with time to link up with friends later. If it is there, head off to dinner and play the rest of the night by ear."

How do you prepare for a date? A little Facebook stalking, a stiff drink ...
"I keep the research to a minimum. Being a know-it-all is bad enough — being a know-it-all when it comes to personal info on a date is the precursor to a restraining order. I like to prep with good music. Nothing overly sexy, but something relaxing and cool. I don't have a 'big date' playlist per se, just whatever I've been vibing to recently."

Photo: Courtesy of Denisio Truitt

Name: Daniel Newhauser, writer for Roll Call
From: San Antonio, Texas

Describe an ideal date in Washington.
"Good food and live music."

Tell us about your best first date ever.
"An ex-girlfriend and I first met while on vacation in the Middle East. The trip became an extended first date on the Mediterranean."

What do you love about the women in Washington's dating pool?
"Beauty and brains."


If you could change one aspect of dating in D.C., what would it be?
"Talking politics on a first date is far too acceptable."

Photographed by Jane Pierce
Who he is: Grant Harris, stylist and menswear blogger at Image Granted
Where he's from: Washington, D.C.

Describe an ideal date in Washington.
"A perfect date for me consists of good food and drink, laughter, stimulating conversation, and a physical spark. I think a great date would consist of a meal in Penn Quarter, a bit of shopping in Georgetown, and a show at the Kennedy Center or some type of arts venue. Hard to beat a night of food, shopping, and culture."

What do you love about the women in Washington's dating pool?
"D.C. is a transient city with a diverse population from varied backgrounds. The women here are no different — there is a variety of beautiful, talented, and well-travelled women in this city. From my experience, women aren't afraid of who they are and look forward to seeing who they will become, and they enjoy sharing that with a man who feels the same."

Photographed by Jane Pierce
Who he is: Chris Richards, pop music critic at The Washington Post
Where he's from: Washington, D.C.

Describe an ideal date in Washington.
"It's autumn and there's lots of walking involved. You can learn a lot about someone on a long walk — you can see how they interact with the world around them. And Washington is an excellent walking city. The National
Arboretum, the Mall, and Rock Creek Park are all magical places to me."

How do you prepare for a date? A little Facebook stalking, a stiff drink ...
"I usually just listen to my favorite getting-ready-to-go-out song, which is "Dance Tonight" by the R&B group Lucy Pearl. Raphael Saadiq has an amazing line in the first verse — "Make sure that I smell good" — that I've always taken to heart. Any date is off to a promising start when everyone smells good."

Photographed by Jane Pierce

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