Is your apartment in danger of appearing on an episode of Hoarders? Fear not, we've found the messbuster to keep your pad from turning into a veritable black hole. And if you've struggled long and hard like we have to employ a cleaning service that doesn't have all those nasty, chemical-filled products that hurt the environment, we think you'll like what we dug up. Enter Team Clean, which provides earth-friendly, biodegradable, and holistic cleaning services to keep your home-messy-home (and the planet) in tip-top shape. And while your erupting closet and war zone of a bathroom might engulf your average cleaning lady in despair, co-founder Candace Mills' years of experience and no-nonsense approach means that relief is inevitable and ecological. Team Clean brings their own arsenal of natural and non-toxic cleaning products (Seventh Generation, ECOVER, Meyers, and a few homemade potions of their own), leaving your place so fresh you'll be tempted to go past the five second rule for food on the floor (please don't!).
Call 718-866-5954 or email teamcleannyc@gmail.com to get a free estimate.