Will & Grace's Sean Hayes Shares Traumatic Health Scare: "My Small Intestine Burst Open"

If you're like me, you probably don't give your intestines much thought (that is, unless you're watching Shaun of the Dead and have to endure that awful scene where they cover themselves with the organs to mask their human scent). For the most part, they're just there doing their thing without complication. But after learning about Will & Grace actor Sean Hayes' recent hospitalization, I will never be taking my intestines for granted again.
Hayes stopped by The Ellen Show on Wednesday to unveil the gory reasoning behind why he had to miss a taping of her show two weeks prior.
"I went to bed at night and all the sudden I felt this excruciating pain in my stomach," he said. "I went to the E.R. and thank God I did. I had a very rare thing where my small intestine burst open and it was poisoning my body."
How does one obtain a hole in a small intestine? According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, gastrointestinal perforations can be caused by Crohn's disease, ulcers, appendicitis, and various cancers. To treat the issue, Hayes said that the doctors "clipped off the bad part and put it back together, you know, with like a chip clip." He cheekily added that "so, now my potato chips are stale!"
Sure, he's hilarious, but OH MY GOD, clipping together your intestines seems like the most intense process. I can barely clip together a bag of veggie chips without them going stale a day later. Thankfully, Hayes was a little too hopped up on pain meds to really give the procedure much thought.
"They put you on so many drugs you're like high out of your mind," he said with a laugh, later adding that while he was recovering and walking around the hospital he didn't even notice his butt was hanging out of his gown for everyone to see.
Though unintentional, that definitely sounds like one of the most on-brand Jack experiences, ever.

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