6 Myths To STOP Believing About Facial Oils

We're taught from our pimply adolescent years that oil is the enemy: We need to keep it in check with harsh astringents and scrubs, purge all oil-like products from our vanity, and never, ever look back. So, when facial oils became the skin-care trend du jour, it went against everything we knew and believed. But, here's the thing, the "evils of oil," turns out, are complete mythology.
Top dermatologists and skin-care brands say oil-based products aren't a passing trend — they're important staples in a complete skin-care routine. "Oil as we know it isn't the same as it used to be," says Dr. Jeannette Graf, renowned New York dermatologist and assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center. "Advances in the ability to refine oil have led to cosmetic-grade oils that are the consistency of water," she says. "They used to be thick and clogging, like mineral oil, but now they're very emollient and don't leave any residue on the skin."
But, don't oils still cause breakouts? How effective are they against anti-aging? And, are they meant for oily skin types? We hear your concerns loud and clear, which is why we teamed up with Olay Regenerist to investigate. Read on to separate myth from fact and get the truth about oils. That enemy may become your new best friend.


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