Sunday is Father’s Day here in the U.S., and around the country grills will be fired up, ties will be gifted, and Dad jokes will be told to the family. It’s the one day of the year we celebrate the silliest, most loving, and most embarrassing moments with our dads. But it almost wasn’t a holiday at all.
The first Father’s Day celebration was in 1910 in Washington State. And although Mother’s Day was a federally recognized holiday in 1914, it wasn’t 1972 until that Father’s Day became a national holiday. (Interestingly, during the 1920s and '30s, groups fought to create one “Parents’ Day” because activists believed that both parents should be celebrated together.) Now, the holiday rakes in a whopping $14 billion a year, not to mention a whole lot of Father’s Day backrubs and handmade trinkets.
Whether you’re giving your Dad golf clubs or a home-cooked meal, there are many reasons to celebrate them. One of our favorites: our dads’ uncanny talent for embarrassing us. Ahead, we’ve rounded up 10 stories of the most hilarious, embarrassing things our dads have done. They may have given us totally red faces, but we love them nonetheless.