Sexy, Surrealist Gingerbread Men? Here’s A Very Special DIY For You

There is no one alive that could resist a good cookie during the holidays, but between all those stale sugar cookies in your office kitchen, the homemade bricks wrapped in colored cellophane your neighbors have been leaving in your mailbox, and the fourth batch of snowdrops brought to a cookie exchange, we're ready for a cookie that inspires us (in ways other than to head to the gym).
Luckily, woman after our own heart Maayan Zilberman, of The Lake & Stars, is a big fan of baked goods. While she's not re-imagining the boundaries of lingerie under her design label, she maintains a blog and cake-makin' business called Wave Cake. She took a little time to show Refinery29 how to create a gingerbread cookie that's guaranteed to shock and awe. Now, you can bring a treat a little more exciting than last year's snickerdoodles. Here's how.

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