8 Gross Beauty Issues (We’re Going There!)

We’re prone to oversharing, and our lack of boundaries ventures into territories that we’ve been told are gross, unpleasant, and even inappropriate. The upside is that our TMI can actually help friends who are too shy — or polite — to discuss embarrassing beauty problems.
That’s why we put together our original list of Beauty Issues No One Talks About But Should. But, that just opened the floodgates to more questions about unspeakable beauty problems: sties, upper lip facial hair, milia, cysts, cracked lips, scaly elbows, bikini-line bumps, and toenail fungus.
There’s no need to feel ashamed about these issues — they’re more common than you think. We sought medical opinions about these frustrating and embarrassing beauty problems so you can solve them once and for all. Here’s your head to toenail guide on beating your most unshareable issues.

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