Grab your style-savvy guy and head to Alton Lane for a chance to meet InStyle mag Fashion Director Hal Rubenstein, who's in town to sign copies of his new book, The Gentry Man: A Guide for the Civilized Male. (All Things Fashion DC)
Stop by It's Vintage Darling for the summer sale, and score some half-priced designer goodies while you're at it. (It's Vintage Darling)
If your beer and pizza levels are getting dangerously low, visit any of the three Pizzeria Paradiso locations for the JulyPA Festival to get your fill of both. (Going Out Guide)
We have to imagine a mega-stressful job comes with some mega-powerful cravings. See what America's presidents have noshed on over the years. (The Awl)
If you're stuck in the summer doldrums when it comes to outfits, wake up your wardrobe with a bit of neon inspiration. (NomNomBlingBling)

Photo: Via Nom Nom Bling Bling