This Is The World’s Easiest Way To Clean Your Microwave

There is something about cleaning a microwave that fills us with dread. It's the same sluggishness we feel about cleaning our coffee pots. (Does anyone actually do that vinegar thing?) Maybe it's because we feel like we can put it off since none of the food ever actually touches the surfaces itself. Or it could be because it's always nearly impossible to get sauce splatters or caked on food to come off entirely.
But, little did we know, the secret to cleaning a microwave with ease is probably sitting hanging out in our fridge's produce drawer at this very moment. What exactly is this life-changing food secret? It's a lemon! All you have to do is microwave a bowl filled with water and a lemon. Then miraculously any hard to clean spots suddenly wipe off with ease! Don't believe us? Watch the below video. And prepare to actual want to clean tonight.

This month, we're asking you to toss out everything you thought you knew about spring cleaning and give every corner of your life a refresh. The inspiration for a happier, clutter-free you is right this way.

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