How To Keep Your Roommate Out Of Your Closet

Living with someone else has its perks and its drawbacks, but you've got to know how to iron out tricky situations as soon as the latter starts to outweigh the former — or know when it's time to pull the plug.
My own roommate scenario started off wonderfully. It was fun three months in — and then, it wasn't. The straw that broke this camel's back had to do with clothes. I've had jackets, hats, and coats ruined in more ways than any simple stain remover could solve. Doubling your wardrobe sounds like a brilliant idea at first, but sharing is caring, and sensitivity is key. 
For all of you out there who are currently at your wit's end with a flatmate who just can't seem to keep their hands off your stuff, read Lizzie Post's advice, ahead. The etiquette coach spills on how to reinforce (or set up) boundaries without ruining chill vibes, and a few ways to tell if you might actually be the annoying roommate.


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