Having Trouble Falling Asleep? Try These Science-Backed Tips

Photographed by Ben Ritter.
Falling asleep is a natural process, so it should be easy, right? Ha! We wish. Of course, we've all had trouble getting to sleep at some point. But for many of us, it's a nightly struggle.
According to the CDC, about a third of us get fewer than six hours of sleep every night. But insomnia is actually more common among women than men. Without sleep, we have a harder time feeling optimistic and having gratitude. Weirdly, we also find it harder to have a sense of humor. And unfortunately, sleep deprivation can cause some seriously impaired driving.
We've heard all the classic advice (keep your timing consistent, limit caffeine, get your exercise in), but we're ready for the next steps. To help all of us get those necessary ZZZs, we're collecting our favorite sleep tips — all backed by recent studies.

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