1. Breath
Now that you’re comfortable, close your eyes and start with some slow, deep breathing. Mindfulness meditation is all about being present. Focus on your breath, notice what it feels like going in and out of you. What do you hear? What do you smell? When your mind wanders to that sarcastic comment your coworker made about your new haircut, GOD she is so!...just gently remind yourself to focus on your breath. The most common misconception is that meditation is the art of thinking about nothing, and that’s not even possible. It’s about calming the mind, not emptying it.
2. Color
Pick your favorite color, and picture it slowly washing over you from head to toe. This step alone is perfect if you only have a few minutes and need to hit the reset button. Listen to your body, when you feel that negative stress reaction rise up inside of you, find a place to sit and do this step. I guarantee you’ll feel better after a few minutes.
3. Body Scan
A body scan is simply checking in with your body, step-by-step, and just noticing what’s going on. Start with your toes. How do your toes feel? Are they cold? Are they aching from being crammed in your Jimmy Choos all day? If so, what does that ache feel like? Instead of fighting the pain, can you accept it? Go up to the ankle next and so on. A body scan is also great if you have pain in a specific area, like a headache. Sit and just notice the headache for a while, all aspects of it. Then imagine the pain releasing, dissipating, floating away. When we have pain, it causes us distress, so we fight it. If you can learn to accept the pain, you might find that it has less power over you.
4. Color
Repeat the color step.
5. Three Things
Think of three things that you want to have, be, or do, and say them in the present tense. For instance, “I am happy, I am healthy, I am powerful.” It can be about anything you want: work, family, love, health. Say it over and over again until you believe it. This step harnesses the power of positive thinking. The body believes what the mind thinks.
6. Guided Imagery
This step is my favorite, because it makes you feel so good. Picture your life exactly how you want it to be, and dream big. Imagine it down to the littlest detail — the job of your dreams, that penthouse apartment, the three kids playing...oh hey Ryan Gosling, wanna hang out forever? Stay in this moment for as long as you want. Play it out; make it live.
7. Color
Repeat color step.