Put An End To The Email Madness. Please.

You know that hall closet that you're afraid to open, because of the avalanche of dusty photo albums and college essays (really, why do we still have those?!) that will come tumbling out? Well, think of your email inbox as its digital equivalent. And, in the spirit of spring cleaning, it's time to conquer it.
There’s good reason we have a love-hate (mostly hate) relationship with our inboxes. Today’s workers devote up to 28% of their time to emails, according to a study from McKinsey Global Institute. Email takes the focus off important matters (like getting work done) and tricks us into thinking we’re multitasking masters, when really, our brains weren’t hardwired for that sort of strain.
Prepare for a renovation of your inbox and email habits with these tips to reach email zen.

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