There's nothing worse than looking like a tourist. You know, standing on Broadway with a rumpled map trying to figure out which way is west. Some of us here in the office still have some, uh, teething problems when it comes to NYC directions, but we're always to embarrassed to ask a passerby which way to go. Now the vectorially challenged have a sartorial solution in the form of the NorthSkirt. Designed by master Big Apple DIY-er Meredith Scheff, the "soft circuit project," includes LEDS, StarBoards, and some hacked technology incorporated into an Apache style skirt. While we don't really get how it works, but according to the artist it lights up and points to magnetic north as you spin (check out the video below to see it in action). While we admit it's more than a little janky, it just may be less embarrassing then walking uptown instead of downtown for the 27th time. If you want your own built-in GPS, you can money up here. (Afingo)