The concept is simple. The technology, advanced. The results, delicious. Just send your favorite Instagram images to NYC's online Baking for Good and they'll print them onto tasty sugar cookies with colored soy milk. They're sort of like those printed photo cakes, but way less tacky and far more versatile. Offered by the dozen, these treats could be especially fun during the holidays when you could offer your guests a seasonal spread of family photos, shots of ornaments, and the like. Also, you could have revenge on people by grabbing their photos off of Facebook and eating their heads. Or, you could take a picture of a cookie and then put it on a cookie. Or, take a picture of a picture of a cookie and put it on a cookie. Or, take a picture of a picture of a cookie on a cookie and then put that picture on a cookie. Or... (Washington Post)
Photo: Courtesy of Baking For Good