According to Vivian Goldschmidt, nutritionist and founder of Save Our Bones, the conversation about dairy in human diets starts with an understanding of what cow's milk products are actually designed to do, which is fatten up calves. "Cow’s milk is an excellent food
for calves, and each mammalian species has its own 'designer' milk. Drinking milk produced by another species is not in our genetic code." In fact, says Goldschmidt here, the ability to digest dairy past the age of three or so is a genetic mutation. In the cases of most humans, the enzyme lactase (which is needed to break down lactose, the naturally-occuring sugar in milk) stops being produced after infancy. Therefore, it's the ability to digest dairy, rather than the inability, that's the exception to the rule — according to Corinne Goff, R.D., L.D.N.: "Seventy-five percent of the world’s population cannot digest milk."