Above: New York, San Francisco
International women of mystery, this one's for you—you might call one city home now, but your roots could be far away. Here's a way to proudly rep your hometown without falling prey to one of those I Heart [Insert City] T-shirts. Israeli designer Talia Wiener makes beautiful pins, necklaces, and rings adorned with spidery maps of cities around the world. And it's funny—you might not pay much attention while you're navigating them in person, but while examining the cities from a giant's perspective, it's hard to ignore how much NYC and S.F. streets look like waffle irons when compared to the spidery spokes of Paris, the winding veins of London, or the fan-like roads of Rome. Want to wear your hometown on your sleeve? Talia's got map jewelry of Manhattan, San Francisco, Paris, Barcelona, Jerusalem, Rome, and more on her website. Email her at talia.wiener@gmail.com for pricing and purchasing info.

Above: Jerusalem, Paris.