My Summer Hair Diary: Josie Maran

There's something so beautiful about summer hair. Maybe it's that carefree elegance, or the fact that your 'do actually looks better when it's a bit messy — whatever it is, we absolutely love it. So, obviously, we know what we like to do with our strands in the summer, but we wanted to see what other savvy ladies did with their 'dos, and thus, our new Summer Hair Diary feature was born.
For the inaugural post, we asked the always stunning Josie Maran, who just so happens to be expecting a new little bundle of joy any day now, to document her hair routine over the course of a week. Here, she talks about her strands, pregnancy hair, the looks she loves in the summer, and how you can score her magnificent mane for yourself. Click through to get an inside peek at how this green goddess looks so fresh and fabulous in the heat.

Photos: Ali Alborizi

Day 1: Glam Waves

"I had a dinner date with my family tonight to watch the sun set on the farm,
so I felt like getting a bit glammed up — but I'm so pregnant that spending
time on my hair is far from the top of my list. I wanted to see how quickly
I could get a great look without much fuss. I’ve had hairstylists do my hair that way for photo shoots, but I was surprised to see how easy it was to do myself. The argan oil I used adds health and shine, so my hair was much easier to style. Healthy hair rocks!"

"This look was perfect. It was glam, but not over the top for summer,
when the mood’s so easygoing — sexy, wavy, and effortless. It made me
feel powerful and confident, but still like my laid-back self. The humid
Pennsylvania night actually helped — it kept my hair from falling flat. Once
I have the baby, my husband Ali and I have a special 'first date' night
planned — I think I’m going to do my hair this way again that night because
he loved it. Bring on the heat!"

"To get this look, apply my 100% Pure Argan Oil to wet hair in the shower. Let stand for
one minute, then rinse. Comb hair thoroughly to remove tangles, then apply Argan Oil Hair Serum to wet hair, focusing on the ends. Divide hair, pinning up the top and focusing first on the bottom sections. Using a round brush and a targeted dryer attachment, dry hair in two-inch sections, rolling bottom sections under with the round brush. When you reach the top sections, use the round brush to lift hair at the roots. That will build volume. Once hair is completely dry, flip your head over and run fingers through your hair at the roots to get even more volume, and an effortless, undone look."


Photos: Ali Alborizi

Day 2: Flower Child

"Today was my daughter Rumi’s sixth birthday, and we threw her a
party on our farm in Pennsylvania — complete with friends, family,
and a band. With our guests’ cars parked in our field, it reminded
me of pictures I’ve seen of Woodstock. All kinds of beautiful
flowers are blooming around the property, so I decided to make
the most of my surroundings today and go for a flower child look."

"My daughter is a beautiful free spirit, and it felt like a great way to
celebrate her. Even after all my years basking in the beauty of the
outdoors, this was the first time I’d tried this look — and it turned
out to be one of my favorites. The flowers are so summery, and
paired with an easy dress, my big belly, and bare feet, I felt like a
total Earth mama. It took almost no time, and the waves I created
with my wave spray lasted till bedtime."

"I tried to choose
flowers with petals that weren’t too flimsy, so they wouldn’t wilt
by the end of the day, and it paid off. This is definitely a look my
daughter and I loved. We’ll be doing it again when we feel like
putting on a summer dress and dancing our hearts away like it’s

"For this look, spray wave spray onto dry hair and scrunch to create waves. Twist back one-inch sections of hair on both sides of the face, then secure with an elastic or pin. Using flowers with stiff stems, place the blooms into the twist. Use a clip or pin to secure the flower into the twist."

Photos: Ali Alborizi

Day 3: Restoration

"In preparation for my week of hair styling, I decided to focus today on jumpstarting my
hair back to healthy, fresh locks of love. I used my new Argan Self Heating
Hot Oil treatment (launching in mid-July) in the shower, and when I stepped out, my hair felt much healthier and stronger. I didn’t even have to heat up the ampule in the
microwave — it self-heats so it’s easy to use."

"After I got out of the shower, I
smoothed a few drops of Argan Oil onto the ends of my hair to handle split
ends. My hair gets really dried out during the summer, so I’m going to do
this regime as often as I can. After I washed it, I let my hair air dry to lock in
all those benefits."

Photos: Ali Alborizi

Day 4: Pretty Hat Hair

"I’ve been collecting vintage hats for as long as I can remember,
and I love wearing hats during the summer to protect my face
from the sun. I want the protection, and I also wanted to look and
feel great. So last night, before I went to bed, I braided my hair to
keep it from tangling. This morning, my hair was super-wavy and
pretty. Then I put on a hat, and I was ready to rock ‘n roll! This is
one of my all-time favorite looks. Best of all, it kept me cool and
comfortable all day."


Photos: Ali Alborizi

Day 5: Effortless Bun

"Like most busy moms, I don’t have time to wash my hair every
day. I skipped it today, so I decided to pull my hair up into a messy
bun. It’s easy, it looks great, and it keeps my neck cool during the
scorching days we’ve been having on the farm. I sprayed a little
Argan Bohemian Waves Hair Mist onto my locks, then I pulled
them up to add some texture and hold."

"Pulling my hair back really
puts the focus on my face, so I put on a little more makeup that usual — some lipstain, illuminator, and mascara. The look was fresh and summery — the bright
lipstain freshened up my face. Next time, I’m going to try putting a
few flowers or some vintage jewelry into the bun to spice it up."

"To get this look, apply wave spray to the crown of your head to add texture and volume. Gather your hair in a high ponytail with your hands — don't use a rubber band! — and twist the ends of the hair until the entire length of the ponytail is twisted. Twirl the twisted hair around itself until it creates a loose bun, folding in any pieces that become loose. Secure with pins and then release a few hairs around the face and neck to create a perfectly messy look."

Photos: Ali Alborizi

Day 6: Slick & Sexy

"I had a saucy dress picked out for dinner on the porch tonight,
and I felt like I needed a sassy hairstyle to go with it. I’ve seen this
look on models before, but never tried it myself. I like it because
it’s chic and a little tough, but also carefree. It reminds me of a
glamorous woman out on a yacht in the Caspian Sea. She’s feeling
a little sunbaked, so she leans down and takes a big scoop of the
sea water, smoothes her hair back from her face, and she’s ready
to go to the party without any fuss."

"I used my Argan Oil Hair Serum, Argan Balm, and Argan Bohemian Waves Hair Mist. The
Hair Serum adds a lot of shine to my hair, and gave the top of my
head the fresh-from-the-surf wet look. I used my Argan Balm as
a sort of pomade — a trick I learned from my husband, who uses it
every day on his hair. The wave spray gave the dry
ends of my hair the soft, sea-blown look I wanted and kept the waves secure in spite
of the humidity. When I washed my hair that night, my hair was soft and silky because the balm acted as a sort of hair masque. I’m definitely doing this look again!"

Photos: Ali Alborizi

Day 7: '80s Flip

"Last night I was up late and found some re-runs of Saved By the Bell on
TV. It made me nostalgic for the hairstyles we all loved in the '80s. Today,
I tried for a more modern, fresh take on the flipped-over look. The '80s
version required a lot of teasing with a comb, but my version’s fresher and
more low-maintenance."


"I used wave spray to add texture
and soft waves, and serum to keep my coiff shiny and fresh. I
decided to do my look without making a part, because in my opinion,
unparted hair looks softer, more feminine, and fuller without having to
use a rat tail comb. I ended up with a carefree look that was perfect for a
day of playing with my daughter. The ends of my hair were wavy,
but not crunchy or overly sprayed the way they were in the '80s. The waves held up in the heat, and my hair wasn’t dried out at the end of the day.
This was the first time I’d done this look on purpose, and it’s something I’m
going to try again for when I want a low-maintenance look."

"To recreate this look, brush hair to detangle and refresh, then apply a dime-sized amount of hair serum throughout your hair. Mist a wave spray onto the lower half of hair and scrunch to create waves. Flip hair to one side, but don't make a part."

Photos: Ali Alborizi

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