These Beloved Kids Movies Are Guaranteed To Make You Smile

Sometimes, when the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you just need a break. You could head to the local multiplex to check out the latest blockbuster, but is watching Leonardo DiCaprio get mauled by a bear really the break from reality you so desire?
Instead, think back to a simpler time. A time when you didn’t need to pay rent or think about things like income taxes. Because seriously, screw taxes, am I right?
We’re talking, of course, about your childhood. It was a time of whimsy and magic, creativity and possibility. A time when movies transported you to new worlds, and you willingly let them. It was easy to suspend disbelief and travel to Ariel’s cavern of treasure under the sea, or watch Matilda Wormwood get the best of Miss Trunchbull using her telekinetic powers.
We highly recommend watching one of these flicks whenever you need to take a brief respite to a happier, less complicated time. It’s the circle of life, really. They continue to move us all, no matter what your age.

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