How do you discover new music?
"Usually through word of mouth or hearing someone play something while I’m out. I rarely look at music blogs."
How would you describe your music vibe?
"Right now, it's very conceptual. I enjoy working on all aspects of a project from start to finish, from songwriting to artwork."
What's the coolest or freakiest thing you've seen on the dance floor while you were performing?
"Hmm, probably twerking fans in Philly."
Tell us about your most trusted headphones.
"I use a lot of different headphones, for different reasons. My most trusted are probably Audio-Technica ATH-M50 or Sennheiser. I think I use the standard Apple earbuds the most though."
What's the last song you Shazam’d?
"I’ve never Shazam’d in my life. I just go on forever not knowing any artist names, haha."