Proof That Kristen Stewart Is Hollywood's Biggest Trend-Setter

Look, we all know it: Kristen Stewart is cooler than the rest of us. She doesn’t eff with social media, takes a DGAF approach to Hollywood’s OG beauty standards, and radiates equal parts beauty and badassery that goes virtually unmatched, thanks to her signature dramatic eye looks and frequent (and fearless) hair changes. One thing she doesn’t get credit for when it comes to red carpet looks? Being a major makeup and hair styling trendsetter years before the rest of L.A. (and the planet) catches on.
Want receipts? Stewart was a champion of the glossy eye, burgundy eye, wrap-around shadow, monochromatic makeup, and two-toned liner looks years before they hit their stride. And we’re only talking about makeup so far.
A review of her best red carpet looks makes all of this seem so obvious now — but we’ve learned our lesson and are ready to take notes, because if we want to be ahead of the beauty curve, all we have to do is follow Kristen’s lead. With any luck, her latest style turn — that platinum shaved head — becomes the no-fuss beauty trend of 2019.

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