In a super-compelling feature on this morning about the pre-Fashion Week gossip, topics, and events people are talking about (ranging from Katie Holmes' design chops to whether anyone's sick of prints yet), one stuck out to us.
"Is Lesbian Chic Here To Stay?" reads the headline, and starts with the lines: "Lesbians! They're everywhere." From high-profile fashion industry players finding love in other women to magazine features involving lesbian-centric stories to "lesbian" style (which apparently involves Air Jordans and baseball caps), postulates that "lesbians" are becoming a trend within fashion.
While we're glad to see that the fashion industry is resembling the vox populi more and more, it seems rather reductive to take an inherent personal characteristic and turn it into a social trend (not to mention an aesthetic — yikes).We're uncomfortable with some of the assumptions that the article makes (the fact that a lesbian wouldn't wear stilettos, that seven couples were too many lesbian couples in Tatler), and the inclusion of lesbian chic seemed so jarringly out of place when contrasted with the rest of its well-picked, well-written topics. We can't help but feel a little "OMG GRANDMA, YOU CAN'T SAY THAT" about the whole ordeal. Maybe someone needs a nap? (