Makeup Organization For Beauty Hoarders

If you're anything like us, your bathroom counters and drawers are overflowing with beauty products you've amassed. No judgment: Our makeup collections have gotten slightly out of control, too — and we definitely can’t part with the million nail polishes and eyeliners that have captured our hearts over the years.
But, since we're not interested in being on an episode of Hoarders anytime soon, we figured it's probably best to learn how to properly store our products so that it doesn’t look like a cosmetics store threw up in our bathrooms. (And bedrooms, and closets, and living rooms.) So, we teamed up with our associate home editor, Chloe Daley, to come up with six clever ways to help you ditch the clutter and step up your organization game. (Don't forget to consult our handy guide on when to toss old makeup!) Because, let's face it, our apartments aren't getting any bigger — and yet, somehow, we keep acquiring more stuff. Click through for some smart storage ideas.

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