Yes, yes – we know that for many of the seven billion people on the planet, owning eight pieces of clothing would be a luxury. But blogger and web designer Andrew Hyde is, according to eCouterre, a relatively well-off, well-connected, young man traveling, working, and living in the world's largest consumer economy.
In a nation where the average woman possesses 20 pairs of shoes, owning just 15 items – eight of which are apparel – is a rare triumph of minimalism. Granted, Hyde isn't counting his socks and underwear (nor should he), and he lives a specific type of itinerant lifestyle that we never could commit to. But still, these posts have us looking at our closets and wondering what we could offload and still live without. Hey, before you click over to the next post promoting the next sale we'll all enjoy, take a look at his list of essentials and tell us how many items of clothing you'd need to survive and what they are (we say, the more luxe, the better, but possibly, that defeats the purpose of the exercise) in the comments below. (eCouterre)
Photo: Via Andrew Hyde.